Personal congruency is about integrity. You are honest with yourself and others about what you value and believe and reflect those beliefs through your behavior and actions.
A good way to become more congruent is to pay attention to what you are feeling and thinking about what is going on both inside your body and in your head and see if they are saying the same thing.
Congruency is an important element of assertiveness, in the sense that it is important to learn how to say the same thing with our words, our voice and our body.
Learn to pay attention to things you want and need, to go inside and check in with ourselves. This internal information can then inform our decisions and actions as much as external information. Such as what do others want? what is the ‘right’ thing to do next & now?? etc...
This means that a person is congruent when their outside actions match what they feel on the inside. In other words, it's when the behavior of a person matches with how they feel and think about the situation. With congruency, there is a sense of harmony and agreement between self-image and you're ideal self.
Being congruent may involve saying what one is thinking, disclosing personal information, sharing a past experience, or commenting on the interactions between yourself and others.
Congruency can take many forms, but in essence you are congruent when your beliefs match up with your everyday actions and your spiritual practices.
For one to embody a state of Congruency, you always say what you believe and believe what you say, and act on your beliefs and follow through on the guidance that comes from inner self reflection.
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